pride ourselves on meeting the European standards and regulations. The certificates below are proof that our entire range of biodegradable bin liners have been rigorously tested for the time process in which they degrade and meet the expectations of the compounds specified in their materials. Each certificate below explains which test the bin liners have been through and which standards they meet. Many of the certificates are printed on the bin bags to prove they are free of materials that are a biohazard or could be a danger to health. Not only do our bin liner certificates show the materials meet necessary compounds but they also show that they have criteria to assure the strength, most of our bin bags have a gauge measurement which is measured by the thickness of the bin bag and all of our strength measurements have been tested and meet European standards.
Nr D7: EN 13432:2000
EN 13432:2000 "Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation. Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging." (Official Journal of the European Communities L 190 12/07/2001 P.0021-0023)
Nr S-i1: OK Compost; MaterBi NF01U
Certifies BioBags Bin Liners for technical and mechanical quality. This certificate also shows the BioBag bin liner is 100% biodegradable and compostable to the strictest European standards for biodegradable and compostable products. EN 13432
Nr S-i2: OK Compost; PMS 3425 Green
Certifies that all printed ink on the bin liners are free of heavy metals that could be injurious to health.
Nr S-i3: OK Compost; MaterBi NF 803 og NF 803 - 1
This certificate confirms that the bin bags bio-films are technically and mechanically quality assured. It also certifies that the bin liners bio-film is 100% compostable and biodegradable.
Nr S-i4: OK Compost; MaterBi ZF 03U/A
Certifies the BioBag's requirements in terms of mechanical and technical quality properties with the bin bags area of use. It also certifies the BioBag bin liner is 100% biodegradable and compostable. This certificate is based upon the strict European standard for compostable products. EN 13432. Note: This quality has a lower melting threshold than the NF01U
Nr S-i6: VGS; Biobag garden 450 x 570 mm og 600 x 900 mm
Bin Liners quality assurance certificate for the technical and mechanical properties of the product within the area of use on the basis of the requirement specifications given.
Nr S-i7: Din Certco; MaterBi NF01U
Certifies that the Mater-Bi NF01U BioBags bin liner is 100% biodegradable and compostable.
Nr S-no1: EK Certificate
Bin bags using Mater-Bi meets the requirements of the Norwegian packaging convention Emballasjekonvensjonen. This shows the bin liners are safe for food product packaging.
Nr S-no2: Norwegian National Agricultural Inspection Service
Bin Bags made of Mater-Bi NF01U are approved for use in holding leftover food from the food service industry. These bin liners are also certified to be recycled into animal feed.
Nr S-no3: DEBIO
BioAgro and BioBag Bin Liners 3-240 Litre are certified as a non-organic input factor. These bin liners can be used in organic agriculture according to Debio's Regulations guidelines and the Labelling of Organic Agricultural Production.
Nr S-fi1: APPLE
The apple logo is used on all bin liners that may be used for collecting food waste to be composted.